Copyright Commend International GmbH 2024, all rights reserved
Texts, images, graphics, sound, and videos, as well as their layout on Commend websites, are protected by copyright and other protective laws. El contenido de estas páginas web sólo podrá copiarse, distribuirse, modificarse o hacerse accesible a terceros con fines comerciales con el consentimiento por escrito de Commend International GmbH. También debe tenerse en cuenta que las páginas web de Commend también contienen medios (imágenes, vídeos o música) que están sujetos a derechos de autor de terceros.
Unless otherwise stated, all trademarks on the Commend websites are protected by trademark law. This applies in particular to Commend trademarks, company logos and emblems. The trademarks and design elements used on our website are the intellectual property of Commend International GmbH, Austria.
All other trademarks, logos and product names are registered trademarks of their respective owners and have not been expressly labelled.
All texts, technical data, images and other information represent non-binding information only and cannot form the basis, subject or content of a contract under any circumstances whatsoever and at no time. Commend expressly reserves the right to make technical or other changes as well as changes in the availability of individual products.
Commend endeavours to update and check the content of the website on a regular basis and with the greatest possible care. However, no liability is accepted for the completeness, accuracy and topicality of the information provided.
Open Source Compliance Information - Written Offer
Commend International hereby offers, valid for at least three years from the date we distributed the product, to give you or any third party a complete machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code of the software on a durable physical medium customarily used for software interchange subject to the GNU General Public License (GPL), Version 2.0 and/or the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), Version 2.1 for a price no more than the reasonable cost of physically performing this conveying of source.
Commend International hereby offers to give you a copy of the source code of the software subject to the Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL-1.0 and CDDL-1.1) on a medium customarily used for software exchange.
To receive such source code, please contact Commend International using the following contact details:
Commend International GmbH
Open Source Team
Saalachstraße 51
5020 Salzburg
detailing the name of the product and the firmware version for which you want the source code, the date you received our product and indicating how we can contact you.
You may find the detailed license information of Commend products using open source in our documentation and download area.